Die Kraft der Seren in deiner Hautpflegeroutine
Anti Aging

The Power of Serums in Your Skincare Routine

Serums are the key to effective skin care. They provide highly concentrated active ingredients to address specific skin concerns and promote a radiant complexion. Discover the transformative effec...

24h CremeDer Umwelt zur Liebe: Der Allrounder in Alutube verkleinert deinen CO2-Fußabdruck

For the sake of the environment: The all-rounder in aluminum tube reduces your carbon footprint

New packaging - same content. Our Cactus Allrounder 24h Cream is now available in an aluminum tube instead of our previously known glass packaging. For us, sustainability is still one of the most ...

anti-stressBalancing Winter Routine - Mit gesunder Haut durch die kalten Tage

Balancing Winter Routine - With healthy skin through the cold days

Especially in the cold season, our skin is subjected to greater stress than usual due to a variety of environmental influences. The currently fluctuating temperatures, dry heating air and the cons...

AbschminkpadsGet Naked Kit x treu TEXTILE - die perfekte natürliche Kombination

Get Naked Kit x ​​treu TEXTILE - the perfect natural combination

We can finally tell you: in addition to our new, naturally impressive Naked products, our limited edition GET NAKED KIT is now available to buy in our shop.

Beauty RoutineHow to: Date night skin routine mit HEJ

How to: Date night skin routine with HEJ

Especially now that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we want to do something good for our skin and help it achieve a perfect glow with our skincare routine. Finding the right products fo...