Balancing Winter Routine - Mit gesunder Haut durch die kalten Tage

Balancing Winter Routine - With healthy skin through the cold days

Especially in the cold season, our skin is subjected to greater stress than usual due to a variety of environmental influences. The currently fluctuating temperatures, dry heating air and the cons...

anti SchwellungenThe Cool Keeper Ice Globes: kühlende Massage gegen Schwellungen

The Cool Keeper Ice Globes: cooling massage against swelling

Have you ever heard of Ice Globes ? This massage tool for your face gives you an extra kick of freshness and can make puffiness and dark circles disappear. And the best part: You can now buy our Th...

AugenserumSensible Haut im Gesicht? So pflegst du deine Augenpartie passend

Sensitive skin on your face? How to care for your eye area appropriately

The area around the eyes is often affected by sensitive skin. Our skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive and therefore reacts more quickly to external influences. Therefore, it should also ...