Liebe Haut, du bist etwas ganz Besonderes für uns und doch wirst du oft vernachlässigt.
Anti Aging

Dear skin, you are very special to us and yet you are often neglected.

Dear skin, you are very special to us and yet you are often neglected. You are the largest organ in our body and fulfill so many important functions for us. You are the barrier between us and the ...

24h CremeDer Umwelt zur Liebe: Der Allrounder in Alutube verkleinert deinen CO2-Fußabdruck

For the sake of the environment: The all-rounder in aluminum tube reduces your carbon footprint

New packaging - same content. Our Cactus Allrounder 24h Cream is now available in an aluminum tube instead of our previously known glass packaging. For us, sustainability is still one of the most ...

Clean BeautyClean Beauty ist nicht gleich "clean"

Clean Beauty is not the same as "clean"

Clean beauty refers to cosmetic products that are free from harmful or controversial ingredients. But it's not just about what ends up on your skin, but also about the impact on the environment. T...