Chemisches Peeling: Was du über Exfoliating wissen musst
AHA Säure

Chemical Peeling: What You Need to Know About Exfoliating

It's finally here: our Naked Pink Exfoliating Mask . An effective chemical peeling with AHA and BHA acids for particularly soft and radiant skin. In this article, we'll explain exactly how it work...

anti-stressNew Year – New Routine: Wie du deiner Haut durch Detox einen Neustart schenkst

New Year – New Routine: How to give your skin a fresh start through detox

New Year - New Routine? We want to use the start of the new year to give our skin a fresh start, not just mentally. Now is the right time to do something good for you, your body and your skin. Det...

Beauty RoutineNatürlich beeindruckend – wir haben unseren Models ein paar Fragen gestellt

Of course impressive – we asked our models a few questions

We shot with three great models for our “naturally impressive” campaign and the new Naked products. The campaign is very important to us because we want to make a statement with “naturally impress...

Beauty RoutineNaked Enzyme Peeling: Sanftes Peeling für einen ebenmäßigen Teint

Naked Enzyme Peeling: Gentle peeling for an even complexion

We have added another product to our new Naked series: the Naked Enzyme Peeling for naturally impressive skin renewal. The products are particularly suitable for impure, oily and combination skin....