Die Kraft der Seren in deiner Hautpflegeroutine
Anti Aging

The Power of Serums in Your Skincare Routine

Serums are the key to effective skin care. They provide highly concentrated active ingredients to address specific skin concerns and promote a radiant complexion. Discover the transformative effec...

Beauty RoutineDouble Cleansing: Die effektive Methode für eine tiefgehende Hautreinigung

Double Cleansing: The effective method for deep skin cleansing

Double cleansing is a skincare routine that originated in the Korean beauty industry. As the name suggests, it is a two-step cleansing method that uses an oil-based cleanser in combination with ...

AHA SäureChemisches Peeling: Was du über Exfoliating wissen musst

Chemical Peeling: What You Need to Know About Exfoliating

It's finally here: our Naked Pink Exfoliating Mask . An effective chemical peeling with AHA and BHA acids for particularly soft and radiant skin. In this article, we'll explain exactly how it work...

24h CremeDer Umwelt zur Liebe: Der Allrounder in Alutube verkleinert deinen CO2-Fußabdruck

For the sake of the environment: The all-rounder in aluminum tube reduces your carbon footprint

New packaging - same content. Our Cactus Allrounder 24h Cream is now available in an aluminum tube instead of our previously known glass packaging. For us, sustainability is still one of the most ...

Clean BeautyClean Beauty ist nicht gleich "clean"

Clean Beauty is not the same as "clean"

Clean beauty refers to cosmetic products that are free from harmful or controversial ingredients. But it's not just about what ends up on your skin, but also about the impact on the environment. T...