Natürlich beeindruckend – wir haben unseren Models ein paar Fragen gestellt
Beauty Routine

Of course impressive – we asked our models a few questions

We shot with three great models for our “naturally impressive” campaign and the new Naked products. The campaign is very important to us because we want to make a statement with “naturally impress...

Beauty RoutineNaked Enzyme Peeling: Sanftes Peeling für einen ebenmäßigen Teint

Naked Enzyme Peeling: Gentle peeling for an even complexion

We have added another product to our new Naked series: the Naked Enzyme Peeling for naturally impressive skin renewal. The products are particularly suitable for impure, oily and combination skin....

Beauty RoutineHow to: Date night skin routine mit HEJ

How to: Date night skin routine with HEJ

Especially now that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we want to do something good for our skin and help it achieve a perfect glow with our skincare routine. Finding the right products fo...

Beauty RoutineSelf Love is Self Care – schenke deiner Haut Liebe

Self Love is Self Care – give your skin love

If you're still looking for a Valentine's Day date , we have someone we'd like to introduce you to. We think that you and our Skin Love Box are a perfect match! Inner values ​​are just as importan...

Beauty Routinezertifizierte Naturkosmetik

New Year – healthier me: finally switch to natural cosmetics in 2022

It's that time of year again: the time for New Year's resolutions. What will they be for you this year? In this article, we'll give you the perfect resolution - perfect because it can be implement...