Get Naked Kit x treu TEXTILE - die perfekte natürliche Kombination

Get Naked Kit x ​​treu TEXTILE - the perfect natural combination

We can finally tell you: in addition to our new, naturally impressive Naked products, our limited edition GET NAKED KIT is now available to buy in our shop.

Empfindliche HautNatürlich beeindruckend: Naked - Unsere neue Pflegeserie besonders für unreine, ölige und Mischhaut

Naturally impressive: Naked - Our new care series especially for impure, oily and combination skin

After months of tinkering, we can finally present it to you - our new Naked series ! With Naked, we have developed a fragrance-free care series that is particularly suitable for oily, blemished an...

Beauty RoutineHow to: Date night skin routine mit HEJ

How to: Date night skin routine with HEJ

Especially now that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we want to do something good for our skin and help it achieve a perfect glow with our skincare routine. Finding the right products fo...

Beauty RoutineSelf Love is Self Care – schenke deiner Haut Liebe

Self Love is Self Care – give your skin love

If you're still looking for a Valentine's Day date , we have someone we'd like to introduce you to. We think that you and our Skin Love Box are a perfect match! Inner values ​​are just as importan...

Empfindliche HautWie deine Haut durch den richtigen Lichtschutzfaktor gesund und faltenfrei bleibt!

How to keep your skin healthy and wrinkle-free with the right SPF!

In order to enjoy time in the sun and generally out in the fresh air carefree, the skin must be protected from harmful UV rays. Skin type and self-protection time play an important role in choosing...

InhaltsstoffeVegane Kosmetik - was bedeutet vegan bei Kosmetikprodukten?

Vegan cosmetics - what does vegan mean in cosmetic products?

Natural cosmetics or organic cosmetics refers to cosmetic products that are made from natural and ecological ingredients, and contain ingredients that are environmentally friendly and health-friend...