product knowledge

Here you will find comprehensive information about the ingredients and formulations of our products. We explain how each ingredient works and what benefits it has for your skin so that you can make informed decisions about your care

Schutz vor UV-Strahlen: Welcher LSF ist der richtige?

Protection against UV rays: Which SPF is the right one?

The sun protection factor (SPF) indicates how long a sunscreen protects the skin from harmful UV radiation, e.g. sunburn and premature skin aging. The right SPF depends on your skin type: lighter ...

NaturkosmetikZusammensetzung und Effektivität von Naturkosmetik Produkten

Composition and effectiveness of natural cosmetic products

Natural cosmetic products consist of natural, plant-based ingredients such as water, plant oils, essential oils and natural emulsifiers. They promote skin health, are gentle and environmentally fr...

NaturkosmetikZertifizierung in der Naturkosmetik

Certification in Natural Cosmetics

In natural cosmetics, there are various certifications such as NaTrue, Demeter and Vegan Society, which guarantee the naturalness, organic origin and sustainability of products. These seals confir...

InhaltsstoffeKaktusfeige - Antioxidantien für die Haut

Prickly pear - antioxidants for the skin

Prickly pear oil is a versatile, moisturizing and regenerating ingredient that benefits almost every skin type. It protects against free radicals, supports cell regeneration, reduces pigment spots...

InhaltsstoffeVitamin E für die Haut

Vitamin E for the skin

Vitamin E is an essential ingredient in natural cosmetics that protects, nourishes and regenerates the skin. It is particularly effective in combating skin aging, promoting moisture retention and ...

InhaltsstoffeWas kann Vitamin C in der Hautpflege?

What can vitamin C do in skin care?

Vitamin C is a versatile and indispensable ingredient in natural cosmetics that protects, regenerates and visibly improves the skin's appearance while slowing down the aging process.